Build mousetrap cars
Launch water bottle rockets
Build and test balsa wood bridges
Design and program robots
Earn a trip to the National Student competition
Compete in fun math and science challenges
Compete to attend local and national competitions
NSBE Jr. Explorer
Explore the many applications of science utilizing projects, competitions, and science fairs
Compete for a chance to attend the NSBE Annual Convention
Fun and engaging math program for middle school Compete in local, regional and national challenges
Network with other pre-engineering students
Participate in local and national conferences
Give back through service learning
Design, build, test and present an underwater robot
Compete to win a trip to attend the national SeaPerch challenge
FLL/FTC Robotics
Design, build, test, program and compete with a FLL/FTC robot.
Compete to attend national and international competitions
Design, build, test, program and compete with a VEX/VEX IQ robot.
Compete to attend national and international competitions
Schlumberger Coding Club
Create your very own phone app
Develop websites
Create 3D Movies
Trips to learn about coding/computer science
Explore the power of wind by building and testing your own wind turbine
4H Youth STEM
Work on cool STEM projects in areas as aerospace, water, computers, small engines, electricity, electronics, astronomy, energy and robotics
Ten80 Racing Challenge
NASCAR style student racing challenge.
SWENext is a way to become part of the Society of Women Engineers as a student through the age of 18.
Focuses on increasing and strengthening minority and female participation in the engineering, scientific and computer science professions.
| SHPE Jr.
SHPE Jr. Chapters provide youth with opportunities to participate in hands-on STEM activities. Members have the opportunity to attend the Pre-College Symposium held at SHPE’s National Conference, participate in academic and engineering summer camps, compete in National Science Bowls, participate in local science fairs along with many other opportunities. SHPE Jr. Chapter members also receive mentoring and develop leadership skills through the active involvement of SHPE Chapter members.